Digital creative solutions to meet a social demand for information and leisure time, with the aim of responding to diversified and multicultural audiences in terms of connectivity and knowledge.

Welcome of Promo PA Foundation

Riccardo Volpi, Promo PA Foundation


Marta Piacente, Coordinator at MuSA and Responsible for the promotion and development of the companies – CCIAA Lucca

Opening speech
Connect and learn: the technology to support cultural policies

Valentino Nizzo, Director National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia 

Virtual Heritage: from tools for research to communication for the public. Show case.

Giovanni Bellavia, Film Director – VisIT Lab CINECA
Daniele De Luca,  3D Computer Graphics Supervisor – VisIT Lab  CINECA

From reality to virtual: the innovative technologies for cultural heritage

Alessandro De Maio, Director of Numidia

Redevelopment of the suburbs digital communication of cultural heritage

Chiara Greco, Archeo&Art3D – DigiLab

Empowering the visual experience: make a proactive exploration of the artwork

Lorena Delvino, Marketing Analysis Solutions Manager SRLABS

Digital projects to communicate the value of cultural heritage

Elisabetta Bruno, Founder e Ceo di Heritage
Pietro ToscoDigital Content Manager

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

Xaver Von Treyer, ID Guide