8 October Agenda
IT-EN Meetings
09.30 – 13.00 | Immersivity: success stories and international development trends
With the support of BARCO | in collaboration with Promo PA Foundation, Immersiva Livorno srl and Bright Festival
#digitalisation & #inclusion With which contemporary tools and languages does immersivity operate? And what are the trends that companies, cultural venues and the world of research must detect in order to optimise the cultural message and make the experience accessible to all? The session provided an opportunity for reflection and debate on these matters by a number of the top players in the public and private sector who are today asking themselves how they can contribute together to providing answers.
14.30 – 17.30 | Technology and artistic creativity: an alliance for change
With the support of BARCO | in collaboration with Promo PA Foundation, Immersiva Livorno srl and Bright Festival
#digitalisation & #competitiveness The word technology derives from Greek “techne”, i.e. art in the sense of knowing how to do something, and “logia”, i.e. discourse, treatise. Therefore, the very etymology of the word “technology” defines its close connection with art. The last event of the summit addressed the theme of immersive art as a medium for creating a new Agora and opening up new channels of dialogue between companies and artists in order to develop the sector.
IT Meetings
Full programme of the meetings in Italian here
9.30 – 13.00 | PNRR for Cities and villages: cultural planning for the renewal and sustainability of territories
In collaboration with OREP – Recovery Plan Observatory of Tor Vergata University and Promo PA Foundation
#new housing dimensions The National Recovery Plan (PNRR) aims to give a decisive impulse to relaunching the competitiveness and productivity of the Country’s economy by focusing on culture as an element that generates innovation, also in terms of promoting the National image and brand. This is an ambitious objective, but it is achievable if we put in place integrated cultural-based projects, with adequate monitoring and evaluation systems, and a strong digital drive aimed at strengthening widespread residency. The commitment as Italian Capital of Culture can be a test ground for putting in place a planning process basing on these principles, the measures coming out of European programmes, cohesion funds, and other financial instruments that are currently available.
09.30 – 13.00 | Open data, digital platforms and 4.0 education
Organised by MiC – Ministry of Culture
#digitalisatin & #education In the second focus on the calendar, the MiC presented projects, tools and processes focusing on digital platforms, open data, accessibility, heritage valorisation, research and training.
09.30 – 13.00 | Public Engagement and phygital experiences: techniques and tools for communicating culture and reaching new audiences
Within LuBeC Digital Technology
#digitalisation A meeting to present innovative ways of promoting and enhancing culture and artistic heritage developed in response to the needs and paradigm changes dictated by Covid. Digitalisation and reality come together in engaging, experiential and interactive tours and in multi-channel communication strategies that place users, their wishes and needs at the centre more than ever.
09.45 – 13.00 | Performing arts companies and territories: public-private networks, inclusion and young authors’ production in the policies of the next programming cycle
In collaboration with MIC – DG Spettacolo (Directorate-General for Entertainment) and AGIS – Associazione Generale Italiana Spettacolo (Italian General Entertainment Association)
#inclusion & #competitiveness In the performing arts system, the new Code – currently being defined – will be an opportunity to address the topics and guide the actions that today are at the heart of the cultural transition and of the European and financial programming, not to mention the PNRR. In this sense, 2022 and 2023 will be years of experimentation and alignment for the creation and strengthening of territorial networks including: performing art companies, other cultural institutions and the voluntary system; actions to increase the inclusiveness and accessibility; and the production of young authors.
These are the three key themes that Promo PA, Agis and MIC brought to the table at LuBeC 2021, as a pivotal reflection on a necessary transformation, which is already in place in some realities. These realities can serve as a model both in terms of setting parameters for the Law, and of implementation, in order to transform good practices into renewed policies that cannot be further delayed.
10.00 – 13.00 | Vision and competences for the National Plan for the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
In collaboration with ICDP (Central Institute for the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage) – Digital Library and Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali (School for Cultural Heritage and Activities Foundation)
#digitalisation & #education The digitisation of cultural heritage as a booster for competitiveness and innovation. Professionals involved in defining the guidelines to set up the transition process to the digitisation of cultural heritage took part in a discussion – open to listening and debate – on strategic issues: policies and rules, open data and re-use of images, tools, skills and methodologies.
10.30 – 13.00 | Itineraries, routes and territorial enhancement: the challenges of new tourism
#sustainability The itineraries represent an important opportunity for territorial and social regeneration: they often involve small villages that are victims of depopulation and make it possible to renew the connection between history, nature and traditions, also by strengthening and totally reviving the relationship between the new 21st century pilgrims and the local communities. Due to the Covid-19, the themes of slow tourism and walking are even more topical today, as they describe a new normality, a new way of travelling.
14.30 – 16.30 | Vision and competences for the National Plan for the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage
In collaboration with ICDP – Digital Library and Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali (School for Cultural Heritage and Activities Foundation)
#digitalisation & #education In the afternoon, the Digital Library panel continued, bringing together managers and officials from central institutions and their stakeholders on the subject of cultural heritage digitisation. The focus of the afternoon was on User Stories and the definition of requirements for cultural services.
15.00 – 17.30 | Memory digitalisation
Organised by MiC – Ministry of Culture
#digitalisation A space dedicated to the presentation of projects, tools and processes that are leading the enhancement transformation in the territory that began with the major MiC initiatives realised in cooperation with the local public and private system. The last of the three focuses addressed the theme of memory archives with a 4.0 approach.
15.00 – 18.00 | The new fronts of eco-design: environmental sustainability and promotion of the cultural heritage
In collaboration with the Ordine architetti PCC della Provincia di Lucca (Association of CCP Architects of the Province of Lucca)
#sustainability Among the guidelines of the PNRR, much room is given to the activities promoting innovation and inclusive eco-design. A discussion with industry experts and local professionals that are already taking steps in this direction took place at LuBeC in order to share virtuous examples and provide models for building a sustainable future.
15.00 – 17.30 | Museums, libraries and archives: what policies and instruments are required in Tuscany in the next four years? Listening as a driver for recovery
In collaboration with Tuscany Region
Covid has led to a defragmentation of culture that IRPET has photographed, in order to support the recovery process that today the Region of Tuscany strongly intends to promote through systematic policies. Starting from the research data, a listening session of Museums, Libraries and Archives will follow. These realities have faced the past two years by promoting hybrid solutions between digital and presence, in order to continue to support communities and their growth through culture. It is therefore time to systemise this energy and focus on solutions and tools that will help us meet the challenge of cultural transition that can no longer be postponed.
15.00 – 17.30 | The culture/cultural heritage partnership within the EU Urban Agenda
By Service III General Secretariat – MiC and Agency for Territorial Cohesion
The workshop presented the Italian-led actions of the Culture & Cultural Heritage Partnership for the implementation of the EU Urban Agenda for sustainable, inclusive and participatory urban development.

A riveder le stelle – Comics & Games Exhibitions 21
On 8 October at 5.30 p.m., the inauguration of the exhibitions of Lucca Comics & Games 2021 will take place. The inauguration will be held in Sala Tobino (courtyard of the Province of Lucca), followed by a guided tour of the exhibitions. The exhibition programme of this post-Covid edition includes the noble father of the contemporary graphic novel, the American artist Will Eisner; the creator of the poetic strip “A Panda piace” Giacomo Bevilacqua; the couple Teresa Radice and Stefano Turconi, authors of graphic novels with a strong emotional impact such as “Il porto proibito”; and finally an unprecedented gallery of self-portraits of Italian cartoonists, which is the result of the prestigious collaboration between Lucca Comics & Games, the Ministry of Culture and the Uffizi Galleries.